The Swiss Ice Skating Open 2023 is an International Competition for Women, Men an Ice Dance couples in Senior, Junior and Advanced Novice categories from 26 – 29 October 2023 in the Vaudoise Arena in Lausanne, Switzerland
The Swiss Ice Skating Open 2023 is conducted in accordance with the ISU Constitution and General Regulations 2022, the Special Regulations & Technical Rules Single & Pair Skating and Ice Dance 2022, the relevant ISU Communications and this Announcement.
The Swiss Ice Skating Open 2023 is open to all competitors who belong to an ISU Member and qualify concerning eligibility according to ISU Rule 102, provided their ages fall within the limits specified in ISU Rule 108, paragraph 3 and they meet the participation, citizenship, and residency requirements in ISU Rule 109, paragraphs 1 through 5 and ISU Communication 2526 or any update of this Communication.
Following ISU Rule 109 and ISU Communication 2526, all Skaters who do not have the nationality of the Member by which they have been entered or who, although having such nationality, have in the past represented another Member, must produce an ISU Clearance Certificate. Passports of all Skaters as well as the ISU Clearance Certificate, if applicable, must be presented at the accreditation of the event for verification.
Swiss Ice Skating Open_International Announcement Planned Program Content Sheet_Swiss Ice Skating Open
No additional ice training sessions can be booked before the Swiss Ice Skating Open 2023 in Lausanne.
The official training sessions at the Vaudoise Aréna in Lausanne can be found in the appendix (groups according to the draw).
Patches are available at the Palladium de Champéry. The Palladium de Champéry is an hour's drive from Lausanne. The cost of the patches is CHF 15.00 per person or CHF 30.00 per couple.
You can see the possibilities for patches in the appendix. Reservations are obligatory. If you are interested, please contact +41 24 552 10 77 or contact@skatingschool.ch.
Official Training Vaudoise Aréna Lausanne Ice Trainings in Champéry
All music must be provided to the Organizing Committee in MP3 format. All competitors must be able to provide back-up copies in excellent format on site if requested.
Planned Program:
The Planned Program Content Sheets must be filled in precisely and sent to the Organizing Committee.
The music and the Planned Program Content Sheets must be sent latest by 15 October 2023 to:
To all participants
Beautiful pictures of the Swiss Ice Skating Open 2023 are available. You may order them under the following link:
You can also visit the website www.photoprod.ch where all the pictures of the Swiss Ice Skating Open 2023 will be available for purchase (click on “Manifestations”), as well as pictures of other competitions covered by Serge Petrillo from photoprod.ch.
Sportity app is a digital infoboard that keeps all event or club related information in one place and well structured. Any new information reaches all users instantly with push notification.
Sportity App_Swiss Ice Skating Open 2023
It is recommended to fly to Geneva, from where regular train service is provided to reach the city of Lausanne. The organizer does not provide any transportation for athletes, coaches, team leaders and chaperons.
How to get to the Vaudoise Arena:
Chemin du Viaduc 14
CH – 1008 Prilly
Rue du Petit-Chêne 34
1003 Lausanne
Phone: +41 21 555 59 99
Email: ap@byf.ch
Travel is free between the Lausanne station and the Vaudoise Arena. All members of the panel will receive a card for free transport in Lausanne in their hotel.
Talgut-Zentrum 27
CH – 3063 Ittigen b. Bern
Phone: +41 31 359 73 60
Email: info@swissiceskating.ch
Christiane Miles
Phone: +41 79 648 16 58
Email: open@swissiceskating.ch